Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Messy Little Dish Called Love

Frankie "The Hair" Pascetti is sensitive about two things, and two things alone. And like with a cat, you had better be prepared when you rub him the wrong way...

While it's true that sugar substitutes leave behind a horribly offensive taste in the mouth--which is what makes them such easy culprits to detect in cooking--there are some things that are far more bitter when gone and last much, much longer. Like love.

Her name was Josephina De Luce. They met during a culinary convention a few years back, and soon found themselves sharing more than just their love of baked goods. But like an overly delicate soufflé, their bond would crumble under the desperate and dangerous conditions of Frankie's other life. His dreams of leaving the family business behind to open up a confectionery shop with his sweet Josephina were crushed when Anzio issued him an "order" against the rival De Luce family.

Some wonder if such a person in love could ever bring themselves to pull the trigger. But perhaps it was a different kind of love--love for family--that caused him to finish the job. Only Frankie knows, and probably all too well.


Heidi said...

I think you should be printing this off and doing it by chapters. I want to know more about Frankie and his girlfriend!

{B}dreamy said...

Yes, by chapters. I've decided that for my Christmas present (that you owe me), I would like you to make me a comic book of the life of Frankie. It shouldn't be difficult. Okay, okay, I'll help with the shipping.

apb said...

I'm not really sure what you mean about "chapters." I know what chapters are obviously, but how is it going to affect my comic? Thanks for your comments by the way.

{B}dreamy said...

I can't speak for mom, but I'm talking book. And the chapters in the book would basically be the different chapters of Frankie's life. So, for example, a chapter on his life with Josephina De Luce. Or perhaps a chapter in his life at culinary school. So many possibilities, is all I'm saying.

Robin said...

Great new segment! I love the commentary, and would also like to know the background story of the love affair.